Dòng Nội dung
Một số trải nghiệm từ cách tiếp cận tầm nhìn ngôn ngữ Hồ Chí Minh... / Nguyễn Lai. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 5 (312)
3-8 tr.

Language has both the comunicative and the perceptive functions. However, for Hochiminh, the ultimate goal of the comunicative and perceptivef functions is to stimulata the mass to stand up for a revolutionary action. This is why in studying Hochiminh s language, it is important to pay attention to his insghtful and revolutinary language vision which is the motivaton for hs language usages.

Ngôn ngữ và sự đồng hóa nhận thức thẩm mĩ trong sáng tác văn chương. / Nguyễn Lai // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 4 (222).
tr. 69-74.

Clarifying language and assimilation of aesthetic cognition in literary creative works is by nature to make an effort to clarify the meaning creating in the vein of imagery thinking as directed by Lenin. Literature is in its broadest level of generalization as a means of expression. To clarify the problem, the article does not simply stop at the available traditional experience, but, in contrast exploits and makes full of the interdisciplinary scientific power through the semiotic mechanism.

Suy nghĩ về ngôn ngữ quốc gia là tiếng Việt và tiếng Việt thời đại Hồ Chí Minh = Vietnamese as national language and Vietnamese in Ho Chi Minh era / Nguyễn Lai. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 12 (230).

To thoroughly place the aim in language use at revolutionary activity for the broad masses of people as Ho Chi Minh had done, to some respect, it may be said that the great cultural celebrity of Ho Chi Minh has created a great turning point in increasing the new cultural contents – both in message and its form right in the linguistic mechanism and in his sophisticated mainpulation, of revolutionary significance: culture at the heart of language to improve people’s intellectual standard according to this strategic trend, Ho Chi Minh was the initiative and at the same an exampled implementer...